Kit of HP and LP pressure sensors for the HFO-1234yf refrigerant

Kit of HP and LP pressure sensors for the HFO-1234yf refrigerant for use with EXXOCLIM3.

Reference: KIT HFO1234yf

Category: Air conditioning

Activity: Manufacturers - equipment manufacturers

Downloadable documents :

Datasheet (EN)

Products details

Kit of HP and LP pressure sensors for the HFO-1234yf refrigerant for use with EXXOCLIM3.

Using this kit of sensors, the MEASURE & PLOT modes of the EXXOCLIM3 app can be used on A/C systems filled with the HFO1234yf refrigerant.



Set of two cable harnesses fitted with pressure sensors (HP and LP) with connectors specific to HFO-1234yf service valves and a software update of the app.

Ordering information
