MUXTRACE – Bus analysis application for CAN, LIN, Diag on CAN, K-L, etc. networks

An application developed to acquire, emulate, log and analyse communication bus data.

Reference: MUXTRACE Expert

Category: PC apps

Activity: Manufacturers - equipment manufacturers

Downloadable documents :

Datasheet (EN)

Products details

The MUXTRACE Expert software can acquire, emulate, log and analyse data communicated in compliance with CAN HS / LS / SW, LIN, ISO9141 etc. protocols.

Combined with the Exxotest® range of communication interfaces, it supports the dbc (CAN) and ldf (LIN) database formats so that the user can decode and display (using graphical means) the signals sent on communication buses. It can also transmit functional frames, issue requests for diagnostics, etc. and generate logged data in asc format.

Advanced programming functions ensure that the specific operational requirements are met.

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