SensoDrive Robotized Gearbox Model

The MT-BVR features a robotized gearbox as fitted to PSA vehicles such as the C3, 1007. The MT-BVR lets the trainee study a fully operational robotized gearbox.

Reference: MT-BVR

Category: Engines and Transmission

Activity: Training institutions

Downloadable documents :

Datasheet FR Datasheet EN Datasheet ES

Products details

The MT-BVR model features a robotized gearbox as fitted to PSA vehicles such as the C3, 1007.

The gearbox is driven by an electric motor, which lets the trainee study the dynamics of a fully operational robotized gearbox. It is equipped with robotic control features, including a gearbox control unit and three electromechanical actuators (clutch control, control of gear changes). An integrated breakout box provides easy access to information such as: vehicle speed sensor, flywheel sensor, actuator position feedback sensor, multiplexed networks (CAN, VAN, etc,).


The MT-BVR model is supplied with:

  • user documentation
  • practical exercises
  • 230V power supply lead.


REFLET8, the data acquisition unit used with REFLET® software (4-trace oscilloscope, etc.).


Ordering information