USB / ETHERNET 6C6L communication interface
The USB-MUX-6C6L unit is an interface which meets the requirements for multi-bus communication / data acquisition
Reference: USB-MUX-6C6L
Category: Communication interfaces
Activity: Manufacturers - equipment manufacturers
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Datasheet (EN)Products details
The USB-MUX-6C6L unit is a USB/ETHERNET communication interface which has 6 CAN (HS/LS/SW) links, 6 LIN/ISO9141 links, 14 ANA 0-16V or 0-32V inputs (including 1 timer input), 4 ISO9141 (L) or 0-24V binary inputs, and 6 binary/PWM outputs.
The USB-MUX-6C6L interface unit is supplied in a case together with:
- a USB cable
- a development kit (software libraries, typical codes, etc.)
- USB drivers
- user documentation
- "Muxtrace Expert" application
- AMUX cable harnesses/adapters
- Extension for "DLC Option" autonomous data logger
Ordering information
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