Motor vehicle alternator benchtop learning module
“Motor vehicle alternator” benchtop leaning module: star or delta wiring arrangement, diode bridge setup
Reference: DT-M008
Category: Electricity
Activity: Training institutions
Downloadable documents :
Datasheet FR Datasheet ENProducts details
The DT-M008 benchtop module is used to study and analyse the conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy.
It is also use to measure the a.c. or rectified current (star, delta and diode bridge). Using the sockets on the front panel and the wires provided, the trainee starts by learning how to connect up the circuits correctly. The trainee can then simulate the rotation of the engine using the handle in order to record the various signals being studied. All the test points can be accessed via the sockets and can be analysed using a multimeter or oscilloscope.
The DT-M008 module is supplied with:
- user documentation
- practical exercises
- 12 V / 10 A power supply
REFLET8, the data acquisition unit used with REFLET® software (4-trace oscilloscope, etc.).
Ordering information
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