Diesel Common Rail Injection model

Learning model for a HDI diesel engine modelling a diesel turbine engine with common rail injection. The model has been developed to let users view, analyse and understand the common rail system. It displays and allows modification of certain parameters: pressure, temperature, speed, flows of air and fuel, etc.

Reference: MT-H9000

Category: Engines and Transmission

Activity: Training institutions

Downloadable documents :

Datasheet FR Datasheet EN Datasheet ES

Products details

The MT-H9000 model is a learning aid which facilitates the study and understanding of a common rail-type diesel injection system.

This stand-along unit is equipped with various panels used to simulate and present the operation of the system:

  •  Actual ignition & injection control unit,
  •  Integrated breakout box panel with sockets for making measurements,
  •  Vehicle/dashboard panel for modifying the road and engine variables, a diagnostics connector for communicating with the EOBD
  •  Engine panel, a cut-away view of the engine, turbo, supply of air and fuel... Presentation of the flows of air, exhaust gases and diesel.


The MT-H9000 model is supplied with:

  • user documentation
  • practical exercises
  • a CL550 unit for reading parameters and fault codes (EOBD). This unit also performs voltmeter, ammeter and dual-trace oscilloscope functions.
  • mains power supply lead



  • REFLET8, the data acquisition unit used with REFLET® software (4-trace oscilloscope, etc.).
  • MT-TABLE, a table on castors with the same dimensions as the MT-H9000 model

Ordering information
